Guest Speaker Dawn Neilson

Dawn Neilson was our guest speaker this week!  Dawn is in charge of marketing – under Justin Malley
Everyone received a Bristol All Heart pins – we will them with pride!
* Member of exchange club 
* Promoting everything good about Bristol
* Will help market what Rotary is doing
--> contact Christine Cooper to post events
* Come say hi at the  health fair  this weekend!
* Opening of Bristol hospital  this summer and a large  community event in late June – coordinated with farmers market.  Rotary is invited to have a table there to promote rotary  - will also be giving tours of building
* 2019 Farmers Market – June 22 until the end of October + thanksgiving weekend
  • Rotary could commit to one Saturday – promote rotary!
  • Mayor Ellen Zoppo is looking for people to serve on boards – contact Cathy Savino at 860-584-6250
  • Public Works – “rockin it”
    • Ray Rogozinski  is the new director of Public Works
    • Lindsey Rivers  860-584-6103 interacts with community
      • in school systems working on a composting project using grants from Covanta.  Teaching kids how to compost, recycle.  What is and is not recyclable.
      • She is teaching an invasive species workshop– March 20th – bugs that come in and invade the trees – sign up online
  • Follow her page – informative info – find out when roads are closed – trash pick-up -  LIKE Bristol (CT) Public Works on facebook
Guest Speaker Dawn Neilson Laura Watson 2019-03-05 05:00:00Z 0
Chris Boyle, Speaking about the Bristol Hospital Ambulatory Clinic Laura Watson 2019-01-29 05:00:00Z 0
Happy Birthday Hank and Olcott 2018-02-14 05:00:00Z 0
Brrr it's cold outside 2018-02-14 05:00:00Z 0
Let's Party 2018-02-14 05:00:00Z 0

Guest Speaker

Community Communications Coordinator at the Bristol Board of Education came to talk about their mentoring program.
Guest Speaker 2017-12-12 05:00:00Z 0
Bristol Central High School Interact 2017-12-05 05:00:00Z 0
Meals for the Needy 2017-11-29 05:00:00Z 0
Guest Speaker 2017-11-28 05:00:00Z 0
Meals for the Needy 2017 2017-11-21 05:00:00Z 0
Welcome Jessica Pieri 2017-09-26 04:00:00Z 0

Mum Parade 2017

The Bristol Rotary Club and the Bristol Central High School Interact marched in the 2017 Bristol Mum Parade on Sunday, August 24, 2017
Mum Parade 2017 2017-09-24 04:00:00Z 0
You've Got a Friend in Me 2017-07-27 04:00:00Z 0
"Now this is not the end. It is not even the beginning of the end. But it is, perhaps, the end of the beginning" Winston Churchill 2017-06-27 04:00:00Z 0
2017 Scholarship Awards Dinner Angelique Snow 2017-06-11 04:00:00Z 0
Speakers: Cindy Scoville and Christina Mola 2016-10-04 00:00:00Z 0
Speaker: Ed Klonoski from Charter Oak State College 2016-09-20 00:00:00Z 0
2 New Members 2016-09-13 00:00:00Z 0
Speaker: Donna Osuch 2016-09-06 00:00:00Z 0
Another Successful Rotary Golf Tournament Angelique Snow 2016-08-25 00:00:00Z 0

A visit from Frankenstein and an ape

Posted on Aug 15, 2016
This morning Cortlandt Hull representing the Witch's Dungeon and Tom Dickau from the Bristol Historical Society were our guest speakers.  The Witch's Dungeon will be celebrating their 50th anniversary of the longest running classic horror attraction in the country.  Click the title for more details.  Or want to learn more about The Witch's Dungeon and how it came to be?  Click this link, which will take you to their website.
Please Note: The Witch's Dungeon is a non-profit organization and is funded heavily by donations.  A $6 donation is recommend from any one of any age.  Your donation will benefit the Witch's Dungeon along with the Bristol Historical Society. 
Mr. Hall and Frankenstein
A visit from Frankenstein and an ape 2016-08-16 00:00:00Z 0

Eight New $6,000 Scholarships Available

Posted by Jackie Majerus-Collins
The Bristol Rotary Club will give eight new scholarships – with a value of $24,000 each – this spring to area high school seniors heading off to college.

The scholarships, a gift of the late Bristol Rotarian Karl Schwartz, are for $6,000 per school year. They are renewable for four years.

Each year, the club determines the number of new awards and their value.

The Schwartz awards are available to graduating high school seniors living and attending school in Bristol, Plymouth, Plainville, Southington and Burlington. The student must be heading to a four-year college.

Applications are handled professionally through Scholarship America. They are due March 1.

Students can download applications directly from the Bristol Rotary Club website. They are available on the homepage under “homepage downloads.”
Eight New $6,000 Scholarships Available Jackie Majerus-Collins 2016-01-27 00:00:00Z 0

Short-term Rotary Youth Exchange

Our club sponsored Mary Majerus-Collins, 17, to travel to Quito, Ecuador, where she stayed with 16-year-old Laura Espinoza Jara and her family. After a month, the girls flew to the U.S., where they are with Mary's family in Connecticut. Laura returned to Quito at the end of August. While in Ecuador, Mary visited the Rotary Club of Laura's mom and on August 11, then teamed up as guest speakers for our club. After speaking to the club, the girls visited one of our club Giants, Bob Williamson, a 58-year member of the Bristol Rotary Club who remains as involved as possible given that his knees are hampering his mobility. Bob's wife Janet was also in on the fun.
Short-term Rotary Youth Exchange 2015-09-08 00:00:00Z 0

Annual Golf Tournament

Posted on Aug 26, 2015
As the club's primary fundraiser, this golf tournament supports grants to non-profit organizations that benefit local youth. Everything goes back to kids in the community.
Annual Golf Tournament Laura Watson 2015-08-27 00:00:00Z 0

Pizza Challenge - Year 2

Thanks to the generosity of our pizzerias, the Giamatti Little League center, and the many people who donated to the raffle and volunteered at the event, the Bristol Rotary Club Great Pizza Challenge was a huge success!
The voting was spirited, the competition fierce and while all the pizza offered on Sunday was delectable, the voters have spoken:
Best Crust: Chunky Tomato; Finalists: San Gennaro, People's Choice
Best Sauce: Chunky Tomato; Finalists: L.J.'s, People's Choice
Best Meat Pizza: People's Choice; Finalists: San Gennaro, Hometown
Best Pepperoni: People's Choice; Finalists: Corner Pizza, San Gennaro
Best Veggie: People's Choice; Finalists: Hometown, L.J.'s
Best Cheese: Chunky Tomato; Finalists: San Gennaro, People's Choice
Best Specialty: People's Choice; Finalists: LJ.'s and Hometown

Special overall awards given by the club and its President are:
The Rotarian, which goes to Corner Pizza
The President's Prize, which goes to L.J.'s

In the gluten free categories:
Best crust: Hometown
Best sauce: Chunky Tomato
Best overall: People's Choice

Congratulations to all! Bristol has so many wonderful places to enjoy pizza! Thanks to everyone who made this event so fun and tasty. Watch for news about the scholarship that will come from it!

Pizza Challenge - Year 2 Laura Watson 2015-03-15 00:00:00Z 0

Notice of Upcoming Temporary Meeting Time and Place Changes

Posted by Jackie Majerus-Collins on Nov 16, 2013

The Bristol Rotary Club will not meet in its regular location at the Oasis Restaurant on Pine Street in Bristol on the following upcoming dates:

Nov. 26 -- The club will hold its meeting at the Firefly Hollow Brewery, 139 Center Street Drive, By Rails, Bristol, from 5-7 p.m. This is a "bring-a-friend" event and will take the place of our regular morning meeting. Rotarians will get a tour of the city's new brewery and those who wish can purchase a variety of pints of this locally made beer at a special price.

Dec. 10 -- The club will hold its meeting at 7:30 a.m. in the cafeteria of Bristol Central High School. We will be hosted by the school's Interact Club. Rotarians will hear from the Interact members about what they've been doing this year.

Dec. 24 and 31 -- The club will not meet either of these weeks.


Notice of Upcoming Temporary Meeting Time and Place Changes Jackie Majerus-Collins 2013-11-17 00:00:00Z 0

The Bristol Rotary Club's Three Newest Members

Posted by Kyong Wilson on Oct 21, 2013

From left: Dana Fusco, Tom Kopchick and Suzanne Atwood with Bob Williamson, who did the honors. Bob, who has been in the club a very long time, does a great job with the induction ceremony. He said he could not remember the club ever bringing in three new people on one day.  

The Bristol Rotary Club's Three Newest Members Kyong Wilson 2013-10-22 00:00:00Z 0

2013 Scholars

Posted by Elmer Madsen on May 28, 2013

Schwartz & Reiche Scholarship presentations by Elmer Madsen


2013 Scholars Elmer Madsen 2013-05-29 00:00:00Z 0
President Les Kish presents $18,500 to Bristol's Youth David Kushlan 2013-03-26 00:00:00Z 0
DG Sue Klock presents Matching Grant Money Paul Kelley 2011-11-22 00:00:00Z 0

Past President's Night June 2011

Posted by Paul Kelley on Jun 28, 2011

We bid farewell to President Julius Aboagye & thanked him for a successful year as we welcomed incoming President Bob Dupont.  We added 2 new Paul Harris Fellows. DSC02825 DSC02822

Past President's Night June 2011 Paul Kelley 2011-06-29 00:00:00Z 0
Quote of the Week - Who Said It? Paul Kelley 2007-10-12 00:00:00Z 0
Thought for the Week - Who Said It? Paul Kelley 2007-10-12 00:00:00Z 0
Mark Your Calendars! Paul Kelley 2007-10-12 00:00:00Z 0
Bristol Club welcomes 3 New Members Kyong Wilson 0
Polio Awareness Event "We are this Close to Ending Polio" Kyong Wilson 0
Polio Awareness Event Kyong Wilson 0

Bristol Rotary Club Great Pizza Challenge Is A Great Success

Posted by Jackie Majerus-Collins

Nine local pizza shops took part in the Bristol Rotary Club Great Pizza Challenge, a new event that raised $2,000 for a college scholarship for a Bristol Interact student.

Held Sunday afternoon at the Giamatti Little League Center on Mix Street in Bristol, the fundraiser included sampling a wide variety of pizza and plenty of wonderful raffle prizes.

About 400 people attended. There were two dozen Bristol Rotarians there helping, and about 15 members of the Bristol Central High School Interact Club.

The club is deeply grateful to the Giamatti Center for the use of its beautiful facility, to the Interact club for all its hard work, to the pizzerias who signed on to something new and gave time and talent to a community event and to the many donors that made the raffle such fun.

Pizzerias signed on to donate 10 pies each to the contest but many of them brought in many more as the huge crowd devoured the delicious fare. Some shops reported serving 30 to 50 pies.

People attending paid $5 per person or $10 per family to sample the pizza and the club sold drinks separately. Many of those attending voted for their favorites in an array of categories: Best Sauce, Best Crust, Best Meat Pizza, Best Cheese Pizza, Best Pepperoni, Best Veggie, Best Specialty, Best Gluten Free, Best Gluten Free Crust, Best Gluten Free Sauce, The Rotarian and the President's Prize. Winners will receive custom made certificates for display and enough bragging rights to last a year.

A complete list of winners in all categories follows. Many more photos can be seen on the Bristol Rotary Club FacebookImage page. Please visit it and "like" the page so you'll find out what our dynamic and growing club is doing.

Best Sauce:

First Place – Chunky Tomato

Finalists – Hometown Pizza and People’s Choice

Best Cheese:

First Place – Chunky Tomato

Finalists – Hometown Pizza and People’s Choice

Best Meat Pizza:

First Place – Hometown Pizza

Finalists – L.J.’s Pizza and People’s Choice

Best Crust:

First Place – Chunky Tomato

Finalists – San Gennaro and Hometown Pizza

Best Pepperoni:

First Place – Hometown Pizza

Finalists – Corner Pizza and People’s Choice

Best Veggie:

First Place – Hometown Pizza

Finalists – Corner Pizza, San Gennaro and the Oasis

Best Specialty Pizza:

First Place – L.J.’s Pizza

Finalists – Hometown Pizza, Corner Pizza and People’s Choice

Best Gluten Free Pizza:

First Place – People’s Choice

Finalist – Hometown Pizza

Best Gluten Free Crust:

Luiza’s Diner

Best Gluten Free Sauce:

Chunky Tomato

The Rotarian goes to San Gennaro

President’s Prize goes to the Oasis


Bristol Rotary Club Great Pizza Challenge Is A Great Success Jackie Majerus-Collins 0
Treasures of the Bristol Club... Kyong Wilson 0
Giants of Bristol Club Kyong Wilson 0

The Bristol Club Great Pizza Challenge!

Posted by Kyong Wilson
 The Bristol Rotary Club Great Pizza Challenge!
Our new fundraiser will provide a college scholarship to a Bristol student member of the Interact Club, a high school service club sponsored by the Bristol Rotary. It's in the dining hall of the Giamatti Little League complex on Sunday, March 2, from 2-4 pm. It's going to be great fun and for an excellent cause! Everyone welcome! Please share our poster or this status to help spread the word.


The Bristol Club Great Pizza Challenge! Kyong Wilson 0

President elect Olcott Snow

Posted by Kyong Wilson
ImageWe have big, wonderful news! Today, the club voted for Olcott Snow as our new President-Elect. He will take over from President Jackie Majerus-Collins in July. We know the club will remain in good hands. Olcott is the son of the late O.V. Snow, a longtime Bristol Rotarian who championed the club's accessible playscape project at Page Park several years ago. Thank you, Olcott, for agreeing to serve. We know your dad would really be proud. — with Olcott Snow and Jackie Majerus-Collins atBristol Central High School.
President elect Olcott Snow Kyong Wilson 0

Meeting with Bristol Central High School Interact.

Posted by Kyong Wilson

The club had another great meeting with our young partners, the Interact Club of Bristol Central High School. A small number of Interact members joined Rotarians for breakfast and conversation. We are so proud of our Interact Club and grateful to its wonderful advisors. — with Kelly Monahan-DinoiaValerie GuarinoJulius AboagyeSuzanne AtwoodWilson KyongJackie Majerus-Collins and Olcott Snow at Bristol Central High School.

Meeting with Bristol Central High School Interact. Kyong Wilson 0

Rotary International Theme 2014-2015 is "Light up Rotary"

Posted by Kyong Wilson

ImageRI President 14/15 Gary Huang message from Rotary International District Governors Assembly in San Diego.

This is my challenge to you. How you "Light Up Rotary", how you light your own candle, is up to you "Light up Rotary."

Confucius once said: "It is better to light a single candle, than to sit and curse the darkness." Although the Chinese philosopher died nearly 2,400 years before Rotary was founded, RI President 2014/15 Gary C.K. Huang calls him "the world's first Rotarian." Inspired by his teachings, Huang chose Light Up Rotary as his theme for 2014-15.

"There are so many problems in the world, so many people that need help. Many people say, 'There's nothing I can do.' So they sit there doing nothing. Meanwhile everything stays dark," Huang told the 537 district governors and their spouses and partners who are attending the 2014 International Assembly in San Diego, California.

"The Rotary way is the Confucius way. The Rotary way is to light a candle. I light one, you light one, 1.2 million Rotarians light one. Together, we light up the world," said Huang, who is a member of the Rotary Club of Taipei in Taiwan.

After announcing his theme at the opening session of the five-day training meeting, Huang urged club members to Light Up Rotary in the coming year by hosting a Rotary Day in their community and including local Rotaract and Interact members in their service projects.

"How you Light Up Rotary is up to you," Huang said. "You know where you are strong, you know what your community needs, and you know how you can help."

Huang also shared his membership development goals, including the need for more women and young adults and his goal to increase membership to a total of 1.3 million members. He asked Rotarians to invite their spouses, family members, and friends to join Rotary.

"We need to assume leadership for building strong clubs, and that starts with bringing in new members," he said. Addressing the status of the fight against polio, Huang noted that with the current momentum Rotary is on track to achieve full polio eradication by 2018.

"When we eradicate polio — and we will — we will have proved ourselves an organization capable of great things. And we'll be even better equipped for the next challenge we choose to take on. We'll have given the world a gift that will endure forever," he said.

By continuing to fight against polio, setting an example in local communities, and growing membership, Huang hopes to see Rotary shine brighter than ever.

"Light Up Rotary is our theme, but it is more than our theme. It is how we live in Rotary, how we think in Rotary, how we feel, how we work," Huang said. "It is how we make a difference — every day, in every club, every district, and every country where we serve."

Source: Rotary International

Read about RI President Gary Huang's Bio

Rotary International Theme 2014-2015 is "Light up Rotary" Kyong Wilson 0

2014-15 Theme

Posted by Kyong Wilson

Image2014-2015 Rotary International Theme is "Light up Rotary".

2014-15 Theme Kyong Wilson 0
Salvation Army Bell Ringers Kyong Wilson 0
Salvation Army Bell Ringers Kyong Wilson 0
United 10 Million Charity Miles Giveaway Kyong Wilson 0

Check Presentation to Meals for the Needy

Posted by Kyong Wilson

Bristol Rotary Club signed on for the Thanksgiving Dinner Drive through the Liberty Bank Foundation. That means we tried to raise money to ensure that everyone in the community would have a bountiful Thanksgiving. The bank foundation matched our collection by 25 percent. The club teamed up with Meals for the Needy, a food pantry and soup kitchen serving Bristol for more than 30 years. Working together paid off, as the club was able to turn over a check for $13,223 to Meals for the Needy on Tuesday. In all, 29 Rotary clubs took part in the bank's Thanksgiving fundraiser and the Bristol club placed fifth in total raised. We're pleased and so is the food pantry, because the need is definitely there.

Check Presentation to Meals for the Needy Kyong Wilson 0

Nov. 26 meeting at Firefly Hollow Brewing

Posted by Kyong Wilson
The club held its Nov. 26 meeting at Firefly Hollow Brewing, a new brewery in Bristol. It was a bring-a friend event that drew about 40 people, who all seemed to have a great time. Brewmaster Dana gave us the story of the brewery and we got a chance to sample some of the locally made beers, relax a bit before Thanksgiving, and feel happy to have a great club and each other. We were also celebrating our club's first year of collecting for the Thanksgiving Dinner Drive. We raised $13,200 for Meals for the Needy, a Bristol soup kitchen and food pantry. 

Picture from left - Assistant Gov. Tom Gilmore with Bristol Rotarians Lee Sinkwich and Paul Kelley 

Nov. 26 meeting at Firefly Hollow Brewing Kyong Wilson 0

Our bequest to The Clock Museum

Posted by Paul Kelley
Rotarians Don McAllister and Treasurer Dale Clift and President Julius Aboagye present Clock Museum Director Don Mueller $3,000. One of several recipients of the 2009 Golf Tournament proceeds.
Our bequest to The Clock Museum Paul Kelley 0
Forgot the holidays already? Julius Aboagye 0

Interact & Rotarians intermix . . .

Posted by Paul Kelley
Thirteen (OK 14) Interact Club members joined us today. With them they brought good tidings: we needn't worry about tomorrow with bright dedicated high school students such as today's guests!
Interact & Rotarians intermix . . . Paul Kelley 0

PDG Jim Dusza visits Bristol

Posted by Paul Kelley
Past District Governor Jim Dusza joined us today to explain Rotary District Grants and how to get one! Here he is with Joe Noto, President Julius and immediate Past President Whit Betts
PDG Jim Dusza visits Bristol Paul Kelley 0

Ilayda Egemen from Istanbul visits

Posted by Paul Kelley
Visiting high school student Ilayda Egemen from Istanbul and hostess Kymrie Zaslow from West Hartford joined 23 Bristol Rotarians for lunch today. Nuchie's served a traditional English meal of Bangers & Mash. Mmnn..Mmnn!
Ilayda Egemen from Istanbul visits Paul Kelley 0

2010 Barnes Group/ESPN Golf Tourney

Posted by Julius Aboagye
For the 24th year, Bristol Rotary along with Barnes Group ESPN and a host of sponsors celebrated another successful tournament.
2010 Barnes Group/ESPN Golf Tourney Julius Aboagye 0
The Club Awards Scholarships Paul Kelley 0

Don Rackliffe is "Bart Barnes" Rotarian of 2009

Posted by Paul Kelley
President Michael Olkovsky presents Don Rackliffe his award.  Named the "Bart Barnes" Rotarian of the Year Award in honor of the late Bart Barnes, the Bristol Rotary Club shared in his and wife Lou's appreciation, along with all of the other service organizations of Bristol.
Don Rackliffe is "Bart Barnes" Rotarian of 2009 Paul Kelley 0

The Carol Autorino Center for Arts and Humanities

Posted by Hank Cleary
This summer our club provided a $500 Scholarship to The Arts Integration and Multiple Intelligences Project at St. Joseph College in West Hartford to fund one student's participation in their cooperative program with The National Dance Institute (NDI).  NDI is a program founded and maintained by Kennedy Center Honors/Academy Award/Emmy Award -winning dancer and choreographer Jacques d'Amboise. The program,  offered to Middle School  children from all around central Connecticut, affords the opportunity to interact together, alongside both Dance and Education students from St. Joseph College and a cadre of professional artists, in an intense 13 day experience culminating in two capacity-crowd performances at the Hoffman Auditorium of St. Joseph College.
This year's project was a Latin-themed dance and music extravaganza entitled Viva Mexico!  As the photo attests, it was a lively and colorful theatrical event.
The individual recipient of our club's scholarship was Christian Gutierrez of Hartford....a featured player in Viva Mexico!...appearing as the revolutionary visual artist Diego Rivera, upon whose works the dance production was based.  (Christian is shown with his family on the day of the performances.) 
Congratulations to everyone involved!  
The Carol Autorino Center for Arts and Humanities Hank Cleary 0

Annual Rotary Rummage Sale May 17th

Posted by Paul Kelley

Be lucky like Past President Elmer and find the hat of your dreams May 17th at Bristol Eastern High School for the Second Annual Rotary Rummage Sale!

Annual Rotary Rummage Sale May 17th Paul Kelley 0
Daisy Minor greets Bristol Club Paul Kelley 0

Bristol Rotary met at ImageNation

Posted by Paul Kelley
ImageNation's Director Doreen Stickney is presented with Bristol Rotary's donation by Golf Tournament Chairman Jack Sand and President David Aldieri.
Bristol Rotary met at ImageNation Paul Kelley 0
Bristol Rotary's Boundless Playground Paul Kelley 0
Some 2009 Golf Tournament Proceeds are shared Elmer Madsen 0