Pledge, 4-way test + and thank you to Teddy Roosevelt for our thought of the day!
Andrea shared an idea for an upcoming fundraiser that our club could run. Cindy will reach out to her social club contact to get a rental rate - our club would solicit sponsorships. The next steps would be confirming club involvement + and choosing a date + location.
Ornaments are a hit!
Tom has been selling ornaments at Blues games, and Farmers Market and will sell at the West End festival. Looking to get Rotary literature + a larger sign for the table. Phylis will share the flyer in her office. Tom will have ornaments at the meeting - cash or Venmo for payment.
HAPPY / SAD bucks
Judi Ann, Hurley staying, great trip - saw this rotary trailer while driving through NC
Ken, good to have Judi back
Blaise Happy Father's Day
Dave, son edited a Father's Day clip for the AM Sports Center, nice to see Phylis
Tom, cheapest concert - listened to Blaise sang 2x
Lee, Happy Father's Day
Dale took Mother to the 74th class reunion, a big event, with 121 people, 3 people left in class, she was recognized and received a throw blanket, the weekend will go to National Amateur Radio event, practicing this past weekend and contacted guy in Hawaii with Morris code, son came over for Father's Day & gave me this T-shirt
Cyndi-- back from Maine, had a great trip, Happy Fathers Day
Phylis, Happy Father's Day, congrats to all the graduates
Andrea, the weather is so nice, hot weather feeds my soul, dance recital, kids on stage, I also got on stage, 14 years dancing
Norm. Happy Father's Day
Laura, Happy Father's Day + Happy Graduation to Brooke + all the other graduates